Tips Blog

Welcome to our technical tips blog – solutions and answers for numerous Joomla, Wordpress, Magento, Linux, MySQL and other problems.

Magento2 sorting collection order

Collections in Magento2 can be a real pain. Was having problems with sorting a category getProductCollection collection into position order! The products were just displaying in random order(or rather ID number order). $categoryId=891; $category = $this->_categoryFactory->create(); $category->load($categoryId); $products = $category->getProductCollection();$products->addAttributeToSelect(‘*’);$products->setOrder(“cat_index_position”,’ASC’);

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How to test Magento2 REST API with Postman

This assumes you’ve created a new Integration in Magento 2 by going to M2 Dashboard -> System -> Integrations. Create a new one, give it Resource Access to ALL and save. Then Authorise it, then it’ll create new consumer_key,consumer_secret,access_token,token_secret values

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Adding a sub-domain Website to Siteground

I found problems adding an already used domain as a website eg. if was already on Siteground it didn’t like me adding when creating a website. So found this solution: Login to Siteground. Add a new Website Pick

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Save Streetview image on Google Maps

Wanted to say a Google Maps Streetview image – without all the buttons and tags. Use the code below, then use Snipping Tool to save the image. Note: the only problem are the new hover icons, I couldn’t get the

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How to resize a Google Cloud drive

Writing this up as got caught by a wrong command on the actual Google docs – was resizing a disk from 100Gb to 300Gb. You resize the disk in the Google Cloud admin console. Then use “growpart” to resize the

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Create a Gmail SMTP App password for 2FA

This can be used for Thunderbird, the Mageplaza SMTP Magento2 plugin or any 3rd party Gmail app. Login to Gmail, then go to “Manage your Google Account”.Then click “Security” or go straight to 2 Step Verification should be turned

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