SFTP with Filezilla and Putty

In case of IP address restrictions, if you want to connect to SFTP via another host eg.a server, you can do this by SSHing in to the other host.

Open a Putty session and connect to your host using SSH.

Right click the tool bar and choose "Change Settings"

Connetion -> SSH -> Tunnels

Port 443

Destination: your_server.com

choose Dynamic.

Click "Add" - this will add "D443"

This opens a connection on port 443 on your machine to the Putty session,

Open Filezilla

Edit -> Settings

Open Connection -> FTP -> Generic Proxy

Type of generic proxy: SOCKS5

Proxy host: localhost

Proxy port: 443


Now you can connect to your SFTP host VIA the host you opened in Putty.

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